LogMeIn lost all my accounts.

As a technical support company, we have used LogMeIn for years to help us remotely administer client systems.  Many of those clients have 20-30 computers, or more, and we had loaded them all into our LogMeIn account for easy access by our technical support team.

We have many “free” accounts connected to it, and many “paid” accounts.  Some of our customers needed the “paid” features such as printer support, so we set them up with a paid account.

So our account, over the years, became a well-organized assortment of both paid and free LogMeIn accounts.  And we had a lot of them.

And then on March 5, 2013, LogMeIn sent the following email (excerpt):

“For nearly a decade, LogMeIn Free has provided unlimited free remote access to users on as many computers as they wish. In order to ensure that we can continue providing this free service and make meaningful improvements to it, we will be limiting the number of accessible Free computers in all remote access accounts to 10.”

We stopped reading around there.  But it goes on…

“Should you choose not to upgrade, only the first 10 Free computers in your account, according to alphabetical order, will be shown as available” … “These changes will take effect in just a few weeks, so act now to take advantage of our special rate.”

Well, we acted.  We moved all our customer systems (including the paid ones) onto our own hosted support solution and left LogMeIn a distant memory.  Didn’t have to think twice.  LogMeIn effectively pulled the plug on our business-customer relationship.

As a business owner, it’s important not to forget your customers.  They’re the ones who make your business work after-all.  In LogMeIn’s case, they made a stupid move. And unfortunately a lot of it has to do with communication.  I now know they are offering a reasonably priced “Central” service to allow the continued use, but their email didn’t mention anything about that in the first paragraph, and in big bold characters it simply stated, and I quote:  “Important message: Your account will soon be limited to 10 Free computers.”  We didn’t read any further before taking action.

So, in an effort to reduce the number of “free” accounts in use on their system, LogMeIn has also lost all our paid accounts.

It reminds me of when Neighbours (a coffee drive-thru) stopped taking debit as a form of payment.  Their focus was entirely on the wrong thing: the fees to run a debit machine.  Here’s the ripple effect: I used to get my coffee there each morning, and quite often a breakfast sandwich, but when they made that change, I didn’t waste any time (because I don’t carry cash)… I just drove across the road to Tim Hortons.  Stupid move on their part.  They’ve since re-introduced debit at their drive-thru.  Perhaps someone at the company woke up and realized they just cut out a large chunk of their business to save a few pennies per transaction.  Which costs more?

But where does that leave LogMeIn?  Their focus is obviously in the wrong place in the same way.  And we’ve gone elsewhere.

Own a business?  Think about your customer first, and then figure out how to make money while taking good care of your customer.  If you can’t be good to your customer, they’ll just go across the road and leave you wondering where all the business went.

– Robbie

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Cook Brocks
10 years ago

Yeah, logmein free version going away is disappointing. Hence, I have switched over to logmein alternatives like RHUB remote support servers for remotely accessing computers. It provides multi-tiered collaborative support.

11 years ago

We moved all our customer systems (including the paid ones) onto our own hosted support solution and left LogMeIn a distant memory.

Wich hosted support solution?

Teamviewer is very expensive…

11 years ago

I used logmein personally for support of my family members and to access my own machines.  We also were just coming on line with business to need multiple licenses right when all this hit.  There was no question, I left logmein and they can kiss my a$$.

It was not that the service wasn’t going to be free anymore, I could handle paying something.  If they’re losing money, and they have to stop being ‘free’ then, so be it.  It would have been nice to be grandfathered in, but it’s not even about that.

It’s the way they did it.  “We’re going to cancel our free services, as of, let’s see….. NOW.  You have less than 10 days to drop what you are doing, research alternate solutions, find something that meets your needs, install it on all your remote machines, and migrate away, or, you can pay us money.  If you don’t like it, too bad”

Well it was too bad.  I got all of our systems migrated just in time, straight over to TeamViewer.  Now on my personal machines, I still have easy access, but now I also have file transfer abilities and sound as well.  For free.  We purchased a corporate license, and put all of our commercial accounts on it, and even branded the quick support modules to our company logos for free.  And once you buy a TV license, you have that forever.  (upgrade if you want to or stay where you are)

When I called TeamViewer to buy the corporate license, I suggested they send a nice fruit basket to LogMeIn.  His reply implied that they really didn’t have time, since LogMeIn was sending them so much business… though he thought it was a good idea.

How could I possibly justify continuing to do business with LogMeIn after what they did?  If they show so little regard for their existing customers, what will they do in the future?  “Oh, look, we’re doing a 2x price increase as of NOW…”, “Oh, look, We’ve introduced new plans, and yours is now on the 10 user account, as of right now all your other machines will be inaccessible unless you upgrade and pay us money…”  or who knows what else they might come up with.  The point is, they 100% lost my trust, and to give a company the credentials to directly access all your, and your client’s desktops, requires a LOT of trust.

Foolish foolish decisions.  I have little doubt that we will be hearing about a “reorganization” within that company, in a very short time.

11 years ago

Well good bye logmein, Ive been using logmein for second connection since day one, i use in-house develop solution for remoting, but some times it fails so y went by logmein, seems i have to find another second option.

12 years ago

About limiting my account to 10 computers.

Its clearly said that my subscription is “Free Unlimited till 3/15/2020”
“Free” means that i don’t need to pay for it. They want 199$
“Unlimited” means i can have as many computers as i want to. They want to limit up to 10.
3/15/2020 – does not also mean it remains just 28 days.
Does the words “Free” and “Unlimited” have for LogMeIn company different meaning?
They can offer me limiting account but only after 3/15/2020.
They can’t change the rules of the game during the game.
If They do it mean that practice of LMI company is inconsistent.
They’re trying to introduce new things by force.
And clearly things like this shouldn’t be imposed.

Scott Oost
Scott Oost
12 years ago

I have just shy of 200 computers on LMI, 50% of which are paid. I’ll be looking elsewhere as well. Out of curiosity, what hosted solution did you move to?

Peter Reilly
Peter Reilly
12 years ago

While I do agree that LogMeIn’s approach and timing are poor, I did not expect the free ride to last forever. $199 a year for the ~100 machines I have on my account seems reasonable, since there is no way I am going to connect to each one of them manually and uninstall LogMeIn and re-install another remote access tool. Perhaps they should have grandfathered us in? Maybe that would not have swayed you. I also think they should have given more notice than a few weeks, for those users who need to migrate more machines.