SBC Build Base

I create a lot of projects on single board computers, one being NEMS Linux. Each project starts with a Debian base image: a clean, current build of Debian. I decided these base images might be of benefit to the community if I shared them. They are for developers, not so much for end users.

Please Note: These are development base images. Debian “lite” if you will. There is no desktop environment. You’d have to add that. I provide no support for these images, nor do I take feature requests for base images. They are exactly that: base images.

Donations Disclaimer: I appreciate donations and patronage if you feel my contribution is worthy. However, I need to point out that these builds are very much the work of the authors who created what I based mine on. Therefore, I have included a link to each author’s advertised donation method. Please support them first, and me second. I could not create these base images without their work.

Default username / password: baldnerd / baldnerd

First Run Instructions

In development, when booting one of my base images, the steps you should always take are:

  1. Ensure the filesystem has been resized before doing anything. If not, resize it. See nems-fs-resize
  2. Set your locale.
  3. Set the date and time. See my helpful tool here:
  4. apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade && reboot

From there, it’s up to you what you do with it. Happy Dev’loping!


PINE64 Build Base

Board: A64+
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Based On: ayufan-pine64/linux-build
Donate to Ayufan: [soon]
Download: PINE64_A64_Plus-20190322-Debian-Buster.torrent

Board: Rock64
Version: Debian 10 (Buster), Linux Kernel 4.4.167-1161
Based On: ayufan-rock64/linux-build
Donate to Ayufan: [soon]
Download: Rock64-20190325-Debian-Buster.torrent

Board: A64-LTS, SOPINE
Version: Debian 10 (Buster), Linux Kernel 3.10.105-bsp-1.2-ayufan-138
Based On: ayufan-pine64/linux-build
Donate to Ayufan: [soon]
Download: SOPINE-20190326-Debian-Buster.torrent

Board: RockPro64
Version: Debian 10 (Buster), Linux Kernel 3.10.105-bsp-1.2-ayufan-138
Based On: ayufan-pine64/linux-build
Donate to Ayufan: [soon]
Download: RockPro64-20190330-Debian-Buster.torrent

Hardkernel ODROID Build Base

Board: ODROID-N2
Based On: Meveric
Donate to Meveric: PayPal
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Notes: Includes updated U-Boot to correct networking issues with some boards.
Download: ODROID-N2-20190716-Debian-Buster.torrent

Board: XU3 / XU4 / HC1 / HC2
Based On: Meveric
Donate to Meveric: PayPal
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Download: ODROID-XU4-20190921-Debian-Buster.torrent

Board: ODROID-C2
Based On: Meveric
Donate to Meveric: PayPal
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Notes: Resize doesn’t occur automatically. On boot, run sudo /usr/local/bin/nems-fs-resize
Download: ODROID-C2-20190413-Debian-Buster.torrent

Board: ODROID-C0 / C1 / C1+
Based On: Armbian
Donate to Armbian:
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Notes: Missing the MOTD.
Download: ODROID-C1-20190825-Debian-Buster.torrent

FriendlyElec Build Base

Board: NanoPi M4
Based On: Armbian
Donate to Armbian:
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Notes: Resize doesn’t occur automatically. The NEMS resizer for Pine64 found in nems-admin works great. Just need to change the headings to: rootdev=mmcblk0 && rootpart=1
Download: NanoPi_M4-20190401-Debian-Buster.torrent

Board: NanoPi NEO Plus2
Based On: Armbian
Donate to Armbian:
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Download: NanoPi_NEO_Plus2-20190427-Debian-Buster.torrent

Raspberry Pi Build Base

Board: All Raspberry Pi Models
Based On: Raspbian
Donate to Raspbian:
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Notes: Updated in June 2019 to support RPi 4.
Download: Raspberry_Pi-20190625-Debian-Buster-Build-Base.torrent

ASUS Build Base

Board: Tinker Board / Tinker Board S
Based On: Armbian
Donate to Armbian:
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Download: Tinker_Board-20190409-Debian-Buster.torrent

OrangePi Build Base

Board: OrangePi Zero
Based On: Armbian
Donate to Armbian:
Version: Debian 10 (Buster)
Notes: /tmp is loaded into tmpfs. This’ll be removed in a future build, but keep it in mind if you are storing / compiling within /tmp.
Download: Orange-Pi-Zero-20190428-Debian-Buster.torrent