NEMS 1.2.1 Technical Information

The following is the technical information outline of NEMS (Nagios Enterprise Monitoring Server).

NEMS 1.2.1

IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is from the OLD 1.2 branch. This is deprecated information and remains only for historical reasons. Please visit for current releases and documentation.

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General Application Versions

  • Debian: 9 (Stretch)
  • Linux Kernel: 4.9.28
  • Nagios: 3.5.1
  • PHP: 7.0.19
  • Apache: 2.4.25
  • MariaDB: 10.1.22
  • NEMS nConf: 1.4
  • Webmin:
  • Check_MK Multisite:
  • pnp4nagios:
  • nagios-api: 1.2.2
  • WMIC: 1.3.14
  • WMI Plus: 1.62

Additional Included Software Commands

  • Web Browser: w3m

Nagios Live Data Socket

  • Located at /var/lib/nagios3/rw/live.sock


  • The JSON API is active by default.
  • Port: 8090
  • If desired, you can disable nagios-api by editing the root cronjob which enables the API at NEMS boot.

Default Passwords (And How To Change Them)

  • NEMS web access password: This password is created during NEMS initialization. To initialize NEMS 1.2+, use the command: sudo nems-init
    This password applies to the following:
    – NEMS nConf
    – Nagios Core
    – Check_MK Multisite
    – NEMS Migrator Backup
    If you ever need to change this password in future, backup your NEMS server with NEMS Migrator, then re-create the htpasswd entry in /var/www/htpasswd and then change the username in both /etc/nagios3/global/contactgroups.cfg and /etc/nagios3/global/contacts.cfg to give the new user access to Nagios Core, and make sure you also change it in NEMS nConf so when you generate config, you don’t lose that change.
  • Linux User / SSH: pi/raspberry
    This password is changed during nems-init. Make sure you set it to something strong while running the initialization. Do not leave this as “raspberry” as there are botnets that look for connected Pi’s that can be compromized with this default password.
    This password applies to the following:
    – SSH/Linux login to the Pi
    – Webmin Login
  • NagVis: admin/admin
    Login using the default password, and immediately choose User menu→Change Password
  • MySQL: root/nagiosadmin
    Best leave this as is since changing it would break a lot of stuff. Just never open up your MySQL port to the world, that’s all.
    Also important to note that if you manually add any databases or tables, you will lose them if you run a nems-init or a NEMS-Migrator restore. Best leave MySQL alone, and put in a feature request in the comments if you need to add something.


  • Quick way to test if WMIC is working from within a NEMS SSH session:
    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -H WINDOWSIP -m checkcpu -u "WINDOWSUSER" -p "WINDOWSPASS" -w 20 -c 90

    Where WINDOWSIP, WINDOWSUSER and WINDOWSPASS are the actual IP of the Windows computer, and the administrator user/password for that computer.
    Run it twice, and then if it’s successful you should see something like this:

    OK (Sample Period 6 sec) - Average CPU Utilisation 1.83%|'Avg CPU Utilisation'=1.83%;20;90;
  • WMIC takes up a fair bit of space on the Pi’s SD card, which resulted in NEMS 1.2 minimum system requirement being 8 GB.
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Michael Weihrouch
Michael Weihrouch
5 years ago

I’m unable to login with the default pi/raspberry password. I tried over SSH and with the Pi hooked up to monitor and keyboard.