SBC Distros I’m Working On

Those who follow me closely in the SBC world know what I’m up to, generally, but I thought it’d be fun / useful to list some of my main distros I am working on.

NEMS Linux
This one is pretty darned obvious. My most popular distro to date. Learn more at

Plex Media Server for the Raspberry Pi 3/3B+. I may eventually port this to more powerful SBCs as well. I think it’d do amazingly on a RockPro64.

Retropie-based Retro Gaming Distro for ODROID XU4 + others
Yet to be named build to port Retropie properly to the XU4 and other SBCs where it is either not yet [well] supported or onerous to configure.

Camera System
Yet to be named Raspberry Pi distro to turn any supported IP or USB camera into a sophisticated webcam ideal for weather stations, resorts, hobbyists. Not intended for surveillance, though it could be used for this too. Includes an impressive deduplication system I wrote which reduces the number of stored images by matching their image data: if there is no change in the scene, the image is not saved. Also allows stream relaying from an RTSP compatible IP camera or standard USB webcam to YouTube Live (video only), interval-based snapshots with automatic upload to web, and more. My hope is that I can turn even a Raspberry Pi Zero W into a very impressive webcam system.

Turnkey Servers
I plan to release some turnkey servers for SBC such as WordPress, LAMP, XMPP and so-on. Many of these will be in competition with existing turnkey builds, however I feel my Migrator off site backup system will help my builds stand out from the pack.

Alexa for Raspberry Pi
A fair few tutorials exist that help a user build an Alexa-powered assistant device out of a Raspberry Pi, but I’d like to see a streamlined distro built around the concept… so I’ll build one.

Which project has you most excited?

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