I’ve been using noty for quite some time–since Garbee introduced me to it a couple years back in our chat room. It’s been pretty great, but when version 2 came out, I realized that the developer is going a different direction than I am.
When I code my site, I consider “being lightweight” to be one of my top priorities. But I also like things to look cool.
What I liked about noty is that it was pretty quick and easy to deploy, and looks great. But it’s also a bit heavyweight for what it is, and now with version 2, it’s too much of a performance hit for my liking (touches way too many files).
So, I decided to whip out something really quick to replace noty on my site, and thought perhaps there would be other people out there who would like to use it, or at least use it as a base for something of their own. Want to see it in action? Visit the demo here (look at bottom right): http://www.category5.tv/?demo=notifier
Feel free to use, share or edit it. It’s pretty simple, obviously. These things do not have to be overly complicated!
Download the v1.0 ZIP: https://github.com/RobbieF/notifier/archive/v1.0.zip
GIT Repository: https://github.com/RobbieF/notifier
1.0 – Requires jQuery. I built it this way since my site has jQuery. Of course, it could easily be adapted to just use JavaScript, but I didn’t bother; it works for me. Feel free to comment if you really badly need a jQuery-free version.