Studio D: Day 13

Sirens, dead animals and 2 hours sleep. That’s what Anthony and I were in for on “lucky” Day 13.

Hillary Rumball came by to open the doors, and Anthony from made the trek northward once again… this time to install the studio’s alarm system. He also had a good deal of knowledge to share regarding things electrical and otherwise.

Due to heavy Friday night traffic, it was a fairly late start to the night, and we didn’t wrap up until 3am.

We were fortunate that studio lights also work very well to illuminate an empty studio with no power to the ceiling lights!

I finished wiring all the ceiling fixtures, gave them a quick inspection and put in 40 light bulbs, ready for the landlord’s visit the next morning.

Check out our “all nighter” in the video below.

Huge thanks, of course, to Anthony from for all his hard work on Day 13.

And thank you for supporting Studio D!


Studio D: Day 12

It’s nice to be refreshed! I took a week off and just baked in the sun, and spent time with my wife and kids. It was well needed, and now I feel like I could build 11 Studio D’s!

So, here’s the story… one of our viewers from the GTA contacted me about our security system needs, and on Day 12, he made the trip up the highway to visit Studio D and start laying the wiring needed to keep the studio protected from bad guys and robots.

My secret motivation also surrounded the fact that I didn’t want to be doing electrical work without someone spotting me.

This viewer’s name is Anthony, and on today’s Backstage Pass video, you’ll get the introductions.

As you know, the Teespring campaign ended, and my sweatshirt just arrived. It’s really awesome! So you’ll get to see that today too! And if you want one, well, head over to and tell them you want them to re-open the campaign by clicking the “WAIT! I still want one” button. All proceeds go to getting us a brand new camera to make my shiny head even shinier, and give you the bestest show ever.

Check out today’s video!

Thanks for your continued support of our Studio D project! It’s happening, folks!!


Studio D: Day 10

Behold, the most epic of all days, day 10  😉

Seriously! Imagine a 10 hour work day where you had the video camera running the whole time thinking “Oh, that’ll be a great idea: means I’ll have a recording to work with”.  And then, sit down in the editing room and gasp and wonder what on earth you were thinking!

So, here it is! Edited down to a 1 hour mega super day special!

On this incredible, productive day, I bought a cute little fridge to keep cream and drinks cold for the studio crew, and also welcomed a viewer–Paulo–into Studio D. He is a combination electrician, contractor and all-round good guy who volunteered to help with a lot of the stuff I’m just not capable of doing… or at least until I’m shown how. He proved to be a great teacher and fun guy to work with … and it’s a good thing too, because it was a LONG day!

Enjoy the special! Make sure you set aside some extra time this week and let’s get these lights up!
